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Try A Beautiful, NotifyOSD-Like Conky Setup

Conky NotifyOSD

"notifyOSD Conky" is a simple Conky setup created by BigRZA that displays the CPU usage / temperature, RAM and HDD usage as well as the network traffic.

To use it, download the configuration from DeviantArt, extract the downloaded archive and place the configuration files in your home folder (the archive contains hidden files so press CTRL + H to see them).

Of course, you'll also need Conky so install it if you didn't already:
sudo apt-get install conky

For getting the temperature to work, see step 2 in this post.

The original notifyOSD Conky configuration is partially in German and needs a few other tweaks (there are a few errors) to work properly (at least that was the case on my system). Here's how it looks on my system:

NotifyOSD COnky

I've translated it to English and removed a few bits including the temperature part and replaced it with 2 more CPU cores (I have 4). If you want my modifications to notifyOSD Conky, get it from here - all credits for this: BigRZA (remember, the files in the archive are hidden so press CTRL + H to see them).

For more Conky configurations, check out our Conky tag.

[via ubuntu.onego.ru; first screenshot in the post thanks to BigRZA]

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