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How to Speed ​​Up Internet Connection Software

Nothing could be more if the current Internet has been rampant and it can be said to be a part of life is even better to meet the basic necessities of life such as work life or just to play and have fun alone. Seeing this condition, will be a very uncomfortable thing when we should have a slow Internet connection.

Having a slow internet connection is very sad, in addition to wasting your time away, we are also obliged to spend money we have to pay for the internet connection. Just imagine if my friend had to deal with a slow internet every day, whether it is used to find information and data or bahakan for employment purposes.

To overcome this there are actually a short way to speed up internet connection without having to use the additional cost and of course very simple. Buddy can melalukannya by using software or no software.

But for this post I will share how to speed up Internet connection without the software alone. But if my friend wants to speed up internet connection using the software, my friend can use cFosSpeed ​​software.

Ok, without further ado the following way speed internet connection without software

1. Click the Start menu> Run
2. Type "regedit" in the Run dialog window, then click OK.
3. Then search the registry address like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Current ControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \ ServiceProvider.
4. Then follow the steps below:
- Select DnsPriority change the value to 1
- Select HostsPriority change the value to 1
- Select LocalPriority change the value to 1
- Select NetbtPriority change the value to 1
5. Close the Registry Editor
6. Last Restart Computers pal

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