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Russian Muslims Need Help Indonesia

Indonesia can provide capacity building for the Russian Mufti Council because the Indonesian Ulema Council has been quite a lot of play in various sectors that may be in Russia their role needs to be accelerated or accelerated.

"They want to strengthen cooperation with the MUI," said a member of Commission I Yoyoh Yusroh Friday. Yoyoh recent working visit to Moscow.
A number of Russian muftis have visited several places in Java and met leaders of Islamic organizations in Indonesia, according to the Russian Embassy in the program some time ago. "Muslims in Russia was already long enough to know RI, even the first President Sukarno in 1956 opened a large mosque in St. Petersburg after 40 years of building used as a warehouse. It is recorded in the history of Russian Muslims as a great honor," said Yoyoh, politicians from electoral district MCC Banten.

That is why on our visit to Indonesia mufti ago, according to Yoyoh, they are happy with a pilgrimage to the grave of Bung Karno and send prayers Alfatihah because until now the mosque Petersburg could be a milestone in the rise of Muslim education in Russia.
According to the data, the Muslim community in Russia about 23 million people comprising over 57 ethnic tribes. Of the 147 million population of Russia, as much as 18 percent are Muslim. It is said that Islam has entered dozens of centuries through Degestan northern Caucasus, but is officially 992 years in the area Kazahtan, Turkmenistan.

Islam has developed into the present moment in periodicity before 1917 and before 1971. In 1917 there are 5500 mosques and then destroyed by the Soviets. After 20 years, 7000 recorded the mosque, as a comparison before 1991 in the Russian territory only 100 mosques and educational institutions.
Muslim community comprising over 57 ethnic groups both immigrants and native tribes. Muslim society is active in various fields, political, economic, business. In a government such as Rashid Nur Ali as interior minister, economy minister Elvira Nabiullah Muhshin Farid and also as chairman of the Federal Agency of culture and religion.

Not a few representatives in the Duma and the Federation council, the Council of Mufti of various Muslim organizations. Now about 3,000 active organizations in the field of education. Currently there are seven universities in Kazan, Grozni, and 100 other educational institutions as well as 7000 madrassas in the mosque.
According Yoyoh, to open up the Russian Mufti Council seeks close international Islamic world. "Currently they have as an observer in the OIC, so that Muslims in Russia was part of Muslims in the world," he said.

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