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Super Cheap Computer, Only 25 U.S. Dollars

Create gamers or graphic designers, this computer probably is not too optimal. But if just to open a website and access the Internet or work light, computer costs 25 U.S. dollars is up to it.

A non-profit companies from Britain, Raspberry Pi Foundation, founded David Braben, Rollercoaster Tycoon game makers are designing computer supermurah for children. Target price much cheaper than artificial OLPC laptop (one laptop per child) was initiated by Professor Negroponte few years ago.

While this is still a prorotipe. This computer designed small so easy to carry anywhere. Although small, is equipped with 700 MHz ARM11 processor, 128 MB SDRAM, HDMI port, and USB ports. Although a small graphics card supports OpenGL ES 2.0 and 1080p resolution. In addition, the existing Linux operating system Ubuntu. To use it, still need an additional screen and a keyboard or mouse.

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