Volutions - ID | News | Gadget | Tutorial | Freeware | Template | Etc.: Adwaita Improved: Reduced Padding For Adwaita Combo Boxes / Nautilus Breadcrumbs [GNOME 3]

Adwaita Improved: Reduced Padding For Adwaita Combo Boxes / Nautilus Breadcrumbs [GNOME 3]

Adwaita improved

If you think the new GNOME3 default theme - Adwaita - uses too much padding, try "Adwaita Improved" by yes, Half-left again :)

Adwaita Improved comes with reduced padding for combo boxes and Nautilus breadcrumbs bar as well as a tweak to the Nautilus sidebar to blend with the background color. Check out these before and after images by Half-left:

Adwaita improved

To use the Adwaita Improved theme:
  • extract the downloaded .zip and then move the "Adwaita" folder to the ~/.themes directory (if it doesn't exist, create it).
  • press ALT + F2 and type "r" to reload GNOME Shell

Download Adwaita Improved @ DeviantArt

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