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Gnome 3 Latest Released New Interface Gives Linux Experience

Finally, the Gnome development team has released the latest Gnome 3, which is the first major revision of the Gnome project since 2002. What's in a Gnome 2.x little left in Gnome 3.0, so that you can call with KDE4 GNOME. In it there are quite a lot of software that has been overhauled, and that is what distinguishes it from its predecessor, the GNOME 2.x.

John McCann, a Gnome Shell designers say that, "we have undertaken a different approach in the design of Gnome 3 which focuses on the desires and allow design of the interface is able to follow".

"The GNOME development platform 3 includes improvements in the backend view, the new API, improvements in search, user messages, system settings, and efficiency of library code," the emphasis release notes, "GNOME 2 will continue to work in an environment GNOME 3 without modification, which allows the developers to move into the neighborhood three GNOME with ease. "

Activities Overview There are features that allows us to see applications that are active as shown below:

Then there are features that make it easier to focus on Search, once we discover and access an application or document you want by typing in one place. Let us see how it looks screenshot showing the gnome application with an integrated search:

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