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Ubuntu Light & Unity For Ubuntu Ubuntu Netbook Edition of Light & Fast

Canonical has just launched a new desktop environment called Unity on the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) in Belgium on May 10, 2010 yesterday. Unity will be the default desktop for Ubuntu Netbook 10:10 edition was released in October 2010 and is now available for developers only.

Unity is designed for netbooks and touch devices. The new Desktop offers a new panel and the launcher application that makes quick and easy access to applications, such as the browser and remove the screens are rarely used for mobile usage as well as on a netbook.
In addition to the new desktop environment Unity, Canonical also announced parallel implementations Ubuntu Ubuntu Light is based on Unity and aimed at the market a dual-boot "web-instant. " Ubuntu version offers chat, IM, browser, media player application for computer manufacturers who want to offer the experience of "web-instant" that can complement the Windows on the consumer computer market. So more specifically, Ubuntu Light is a variant of the new Ubuntu netbook market that use desktop environment UI Unity.

UI Unity has a dock (concept similar to Mac OS) that allows you to run applications. You can see a clearer view on the following image:
  The greatness of Light is the main Ubuntu is booting up feature offers access to browser only less than 10 seconds, even he is only 7 seconds when measured using a Dell Mini 10V with a solid state disk. New variant of Ubuntu also offers a media player and tools to integrate with Windows to access music files, photos, etc.. So Ubuntu Light is intended more as a second operating system or the choice of a standard.

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