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Hina Allies: Meet Qaddafi Chieftains at the Hotel of the Same with Foreign Journalists Stay

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has appeared on state television, after speculation circulating - partly based on sukutu troops - that he may have been killed.

"Now he has appeared on state television. Not only that, he appeared at the hotel where all the international journalists stay," Sky News reported Wednesday.

Originally, the journalists did not think Libya topnotch resource exists in their midst. In fact, they were initially indifferent to the presence of male brown robe and hat.

"The tape was shown to us all, the location of the meeting was a familiar room with us. That's the room that we use every day, where we get accreditation from the press before the start of coverage here," says contributor to Sky News in Tripoli.

"He's still alive, he's good, he obviously was not hurt in the attack and he was still running the country."

Hours earlier, the rebels fighting to overthrow Colonel Qaddafi said they have won a major victory in the western port city of Misratah, wrested control of the airport and a large number of weapons and ammunition.

The rebels have been fighting throughout the North African country to end the 41-year-Qaddafi power, backed by NATO-led air strikes. Western countries said it would continue attacks until Colonel Qaddafi deposed.

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