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Avril Lavigne Demand Many thing to Appear In Indonesia

Avril Lavigne plans to come to Jakarta this evening related to the concert tomorrow at the Kartika Expo Center, Balai Kartini, Jakarta Selatan. Before his arrival Avril is reportedly asking the things that make the Mahaka Entertainment as a promoter to be overwhelmed.

It is commonplace for artists to ask for a variety of things before he appeared to entertain the fans. Moreover, the well known artist or top artists from the Blue Continent like Avril Lavigne.

Party promoter even admitted overwhelmed by requests from the team is Avril Lavigne. They asked for lighting or lighting system of a particular brand is not available in Indonesia. "They are more likely to ask for lighting a specific brand with great difficulty we are looking to Singapore, was not there too. Finally, we are negotiable and there was an agreement," Hasani said Abdul Gani as a promoter of Mahaka Entertainment during a press conference at JW Mariot hotel, Brass, South Jakarta.

In addition to requesting the lighting system, Avril team also asked the best hotel with views overlooking certain angle. But Hasani said that the fuss was not the star, Avril Lavigne, but the people around him. He was tolerated because it is done for the sake of convenience, safety and smooth running event later.

"Neko-neko (all kinds) but it does not name a star, the artist in Indonesia when it was sold is also not much different, because the same promoter maid disparate tipislah, heh," Hasani said in a tone a little talk.

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