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Miyu Uehara Dead, Suicide Suspected

It was reported that a talented artist from Japan that is Miyu Uehara died at his home in Meguro, Tokyo

Meguro Police Department also revealed that they were still investigating possible motives in the case of his death a suicide. This beautiful girl was found hanging on the door of his house and found by a friend, which immediately call 9-1-1 (police).

But unfortunately, so emergency help arrived, he was not aware of: One hour and a half later, he was reported dead at the hospital. However, until now the police do not want to reveal the last message Uehara.

Uehara itself comes from the Tanegashima in Kagoshima district, which is the youngest of 10 siblings, in which it was made ​​known by the nickname 'Idol'poverty '(idol who come from poor areas).

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